Oral Health and Cannabis Use

Cannabis Use

Since 2012, recreational cannabis (marijuana) usage has been legal in Washington State. Since then, its use and consumption has increased, giving us a better picture of the effects it has on a user’s oral health. As legalization is still relatively recent and has not been adopted by all states, there still isn’t a lot of … Read more

Have You Heard of Tooth Resorption?


You may have heard of resorption when describing the part of the dental developmental process of primary/baby teeth. When primary teeth are resorbed, the dentin or cementum (outer) layers begin to be absorbed by the body. This process allows the primary tooth to make room for the permanent tooth that is waiting to take its … Read more

Autoimmune Series Part 3: Inflammatory Bowel Diseases effect on Oral Health

Inflammatory Bowel Diseases effect on Oral Health

Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), is an umbrella term used to describe disorders that involve chronic inflammation of the digestive tract. Types of IBD include Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis. Due to the chronic inflammation eventually damaging the GI tract, the resulting symptoms are painful. A blood test can detect any indication of inflammation. A stool … Read more

The Hard Truth about Methamphetamines and Oral Health

Methamphetamine central nervous system stimulant.

We can hardly go one day without hearing about the rising rates of drug addiction in our country. So many of us are dealing with the heartbreaking stories of a loved one struggling with addiction. Drug addiction has crippling effects on families, communities and individuals. As dental professionals we are trained to look for the … Read more